viernes, 24 de abril de 2020






2.SUMMARY OF THE VIDEO. Do a summary wth the structures and examples


Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the adjectives.
1. The Nile is one of ____________________ rivers in the world (LONG).
2. This is ____________________ book I have ever read. (INTERESTING)
3. A spider is sometimes ____________________ than a large snake. (FRIGHTENING)
4. Mr Harper is ____________________ teacher in the whole school. He is even ____________________ than my French teacher (BORING)
5. A bike path is usually ____________________ than the lane of a road. (NARROW)
6. People say women are ____________________ than men. (POLITE)
7. A computer is much ____________________ than a pocket calculator. (EXPENSIVE)
8. My sister is not as ____________________ as her mother. (TALL)
9. Snowboarding is ____________________ than skiing (EXCITING).
10.Children usually have ____________________ money to spend than teenagers. (LITTLE)
11.July and August are normally ____________________ moths of the year (HOT) .
12.Paul is ____________________ runner in our class . Nobody is ____________________ than he is. (SLOW)
13.In this test she has made ____________________ mistakes than in the last one. (FEW)
14.Sandra is ____________________ girl I know. (CLEVER)
15.The film I watched yesterday was ____________________ than the one on Saturday (INTERESTING)
16.Peter is ____________________ player on our team. He never gets anything right. (BAD) 17.English is not as ____________________ as German but ____________________ than other languages (DIFFICULT).
18.Bill works ____________________ than ever. He wants to get a promotion. (HARD)
19.Mrs Simmons is ____________________ teacher I have ever met. (POLITE)
20.This chair is not as ____________________ as the one in the living room. (COMFORTABLE)

KEY ANSWERS: Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the adjectives. 1. The Nile is one of the longest rivers in the world (LONG). 2. This is the most interesting book I have ever read. (INTERESTING) 3. A spider is sometimes more frightening than a large snake. (FRIGHTENING) 4. Mr Harper is the most boring teacher in the whole school. He is even more boring than my French teacher (BORING) 5. A bike path is usually narrower than the lane of a road. (NARROW) 6. People say women are more polite / politer than men. (POLITE) 7. A computer is much more expensive than a pocket calculator. (EXPENSIVE) 8. My sister is not as tall as her mother. (TALL) 9. Snowboarding is more exciting than skiing (EXCITING). 10.Children usually have less money to spend than teenagers. (LITTLE) 11.July and August are normally the hottest moths of the year (HOT) . 12.Paul is the slowest runner in our class . Nobody is slower than he is. (SLOW) 13.In this test she has made fewer mistakes than in the last one. (FEW) 14.Sandra is the cleverest / most clever girl I know. (CLEVER) 15.The film I watched yesterday was more interesting than the one on Saturday (INTERESTING) 16.Peter is the worst player on our team. He never gets anything right. (BAD) 17.English is not as difficult as German but more difficult than other languages (DIFFICULT). 18.Bill works harder than ever. He wants to get a promotion. (HARD) 19.Mrs Simmons is the most polite / the politest teacher I have ever met. (POLITE) 20.This chair is not as comfortable as the one in the living room. (COMFORTABLE)

4.TRANSLATION: translate all the previous sentences so that you incorporate the main structures to your knowledge.

5.DOUBTS THROUGH SKYPE. Tuesday and Thursday from 16h.

TENSES: file:///C:/Users/Juan%20Miguel%20Marin/Desktop/MULTIPLE%20CHOICE/TENSES/t-001.pdf

 Present Perfect Simple and Continuous T001
Complete the sentences using the correct form of the present perfect tense.
 1. I ____________________ several books about sailing and I am quite fascinated by the sport . (READ)
2. You look absolutely exhausted. What ____________________ ? (YOU DO)
3. He ____________________ that book for over two weeks and he ____________________ yet. He's such a slow reader . (READ, NOT FINISH)
4. My sister ____________________ in Norwich for two months. She seems to like it there and is not planning to leave. (LIVE)
5. My dad ____________________ a new job. (JUST START)
6. You should put some boots on. It ____________________ for several days now and the ground is pretty muddy. (RAIN)
7. ____________________ your homework yet ? You ____________________ on it for hours . (YOU FINISH , WORK)
8. Maria ____________________ for a job since she left school last summer. She still ____________________ one . (LOOK, NOT FIND)
9. They ____________________ TV the whole evening. It's their favourite film and they ____________________ it several times. (WATCH, SEE)
10.I ____________________ him about his new girl friend twice this week. He doesn't seem to want to answer. (ASK)
11.I ____________________ my driving test. (JUST PASS)
12.Where ____________________ ? - At the doctor's. I ____________________ ill lately (YOU BE , BE)
13.We ____________________ the date for the marriage. It will be on May 26. (SET)
14.My sister ____________________ too many sweets lately . She must try to stop. (EAT)
15.I ____________________ him for ages. I wonder what he ____________________ up to. (NOT SEE, BE)
16.I ____________________ French for three years now but I don't seem to be making any progress. It's so difficult (LEARN).

KEY 1. I have been reading / have read several books about sailing and I am quite fascinated by the sport . (READ) 2. You look absolutely exhausted. What have you been doing ? (YOU DO) 3. He has been reading that book for over two weeks and he hasn't finished yet. He's such a slow reader . (READ, NOT FINISH) 4. My sister has been living in Norwich for two months. She seems to like it there and is not planning to leave. (LIVE) 5. My dad has just started a new job. (JUST START) 6. You should put some boots on. It has been raining for several days now and the ground is pretty muddy. (RAIN) 7. Have you finished your homework yet ? You have been working on it for hours . (YOU FINISH , WORK) 8. Maria has been looking for a job since she left school last summer. She still hasn't found one . (LOOK, NOT FIND) 9. They have been watching TV the whole evening. It's their favourite film and they have seen it several times. (WATCH, SEE) 10.I have asked him about his new girl friend twice this week. He doesn't seem to want to answer. (ASK) 11.I have just passed my driving test. (JUST PASS) 12.Where have you been ? - At the doctor's. I have been ill lately (YOU BE , BE) 13.We have set the date for the marriage. It will be on May 26. (SET) 14.My sister has been eating too many sweets lately . She must try to stop. (EAT) 15.I haven't seen him for ages. I wonder what he has been up to. (NOT SEE, BE) 16.I have been learning French for three years now but I don't seem to be making any progress. It's so difficult (LEARN).

CONDITIONALS: file:///C:/Users/Juan%20Miguel%20Marin/Desktop/MULTIPLE%20CHOICE/CONDITIONALS/if003.pdf

IF-Clauses IF003 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb given.
1. If it rains the roads _____________________ wet. (BE)
2. We would be very pleased if our team _____________________ today. (WIN)
3. If Peter __________________ his money, he would have been able to buy a new bike. (SAVE)
4. If you _____________________ a bit longer, you can see the new queen. (WAIT)
5. If Chris _____________________ soon, we’ll start without him. (NOT COME)
 6. If I _____________________ so tired, I would go with you to the cinema. (NOT BE)
7. Mike would win the ace if he _____________________ more quickly. (RUN)
8. _______________________________ for me if I had come later? (YOU WAIT)
9. If you come to my place, I _____________________ you my new computer. (SHOW)
10.If Ann had bought the new car, she _____________________ a lot of money. (PAY)
11.What would you do if your car _____________________ down in the middle of the motorway? (BREAK)
12.If I were you, I _____________________ the yellow dress. (TAKE)
13.If __________________________, you’ll miss the bus. (YOU, NOT HURRY)
14.If he _____________________ in England, he would speak English better. (LIVE)
15.We _____________________ take the bus if the weather gets bad. (CAN)
16.If their son _____________________ so much trouble, they would have been here earlier. (NOT MAKE)
17.If I _____________________ more time, I would have done it myself. (HAVE)
18.If you keep on smoking, you _____________________ lung cancer (GET).
19.If motorcycles _____________________ so loud, I would buy one. (NOT BE)
20.If Mary had heard you were here, she _________________________ you. (CALL)

KEY 1. If it rains the roads will be wet. (BE) 2. We would be very pleased if our team won today. (WIN) 3. If Peter had saved his money, he would have been able to buy a new bike. (SAVE) 4. If you wait a bit longer, you can see the new queen. (WAIT) 5. If Chris doesn’t come soon, we’ll start without him. (NOT COME) 6. If I weren’t so tired, I would go with you to the cinema. (NOT BE) 7. Mike would win the ace if he ran more quickly. (RUN) 8. Would you have waited for me if I had come later? (YOU WAIT) 9. If you come to my place, I’ll show you my new computer. (SHOW) 10.If Ann had bought the new car, she would have paid a lot of money. (PAY) 11.What would you do if your car broke down in the middle of the motorway? (BREAK) 12.If I were you, I would take the yellow dress. (TAKE) 13.If you don’t hurry, you’ll miss the bus. (YOU, NOT HURRY) 14.If he lived in England, he would speak English better. (LIVE) 15.We can take the bus if the weather gets bad. (CAN) 16.If their son hadn’t made so much trouble, they would have been here earlier. (NOT MAKE) 17.If I had had more time, I would have done it myself. (HAVE) 18.If you keep on smoking, you’ll get lung cancer (GET). 19.If motorcycles weren’t so loud, I would buy one. (NOT BE) 20.If Mary had heard you were here, she would have called you. (CALL)


Modal Verbs : CAN, COULD, MUST and Negative Forms MOD001 Complete the sentences CAN, CAN’T , COULD, COULDN’T , MUST or MUSTN’T.
1. She is a small baby. She ______________ eat meat, but she ______________ drink milk.
2. He is so ill that he ______________ see the doctor.
3. It’s raining heavily. You ______________ take your own umbrella.
4. We ______________ pick the flowers in the park. It’s forbidden.
5. I ______________ sing now but I ______________ sing very well when I was a child.
6. Mike is only nine months old. He ______________ eat nuts yet.
7. He has a lot of weight so he ______________ run so fast.
8. I’m very tall, so I ______________ play basketball.
9. You ______________ park that car there. It’s a no-parking zone.
10.Many students in Great Britain ______________ wear a uniform when they go to school. 11.George has travelled a lot. He ______________ speak 4 languages.
12.I ______________ come with you now because I’m studying for my test.
13.Footballers ______________ touch the ball with their hands.
14.______________ I use your phone ?
15.I’m sorry I ______________ come yesterday. I had to work late.
16.You ______________ speed through the city. It’s dangerous!
17.You have been coughing a lot recently. You ______________ smoke so much.
18.I’m very tired today. I ______________ clean my room now, but I’ll do it tomorrow.
19.I ______________ eat lasagne when I was a child, but I like it today.
20.We ______________ go to the bank today. We haven’t got any money left.
21.You ______________ sleep in that room. It’s full of boxes and other stuff.
22.I ______________ swim very far these days, but ten years ago, I ______________ swim over to the other side of the lake.
23.You have a bad headache, so you ______________ go to bed earlier.
24.I ______________ feed the baby now, so can you do it for me ?
25.Tourists ______________ take their passports with them when they go abroad.

KEY 1. She is a small baby. She can’t/mustn’t eat meat, but she can drink milk. 2. He is so ill that he must see the doctor. 3. It’s raining heavily. You must take your own umbrella. 4. We can’t/mustn’t pick the flowers in the park. It’s forbidden. 5. I can/can’t sing now but I could/couldn’t sing very well when I was a child. 6. Mike is only nine months old. He can’t eat nuts yet. 7. He has a lot of weight so he can’t run so fast. 8. I’m very tall, so I can/could play basketball. 9. You mustn’t park that car there. It’s a no-parking zone. 10.Many students in Great Britain must wear a uniform when they go to school. 11.George has travelled a lot. He can speak 4 languages. 12.I can’t come with you now because I’m studying for my test. 13.Footballers mustn’t touch the ball with their hands. 14.Can/Could I use your phone ? 15.I’m sorry I couldn’t come yesterday. I had to work late. 16.You mustn’t speed through the city. It’s dangerous! 17.You have been coughing a lot recently. You mustn’t smoke so much. 18.I’m very tired today. I can’t clean my room now, but I’ll do it tomorrow. 19.I couldn’t eat lasagne when I was a child, but I like it today. 20.We must go to the bank today. We haven’t got any money left. 21.You can’t sleep in that room. It’s full of boxes and other stuff. 22.I can’t/can swim very far these days, but ten years ago, I could/couldn’t swim over to the other side of the lake. 23.You have a bad headache, so you must go to bed earlier. 24.I can’t feed the baby now, so can you do it for me ? 25.Tourists must take their passports with them when they go abroad.

PASSIVE: file:///C:/Users/Juan%20Miguel%20Marin/Desktop/MULTIPLE%20CHOICE/PASSIVE/pa001.pdf
Passive Voice PA001 Make passive sentences using the word parts and the given tense.
1. The window – open (present perfect simple)
2. Her room – paint (past progressive)
3. He – take – to the airport. (present perfect simple)
 4. The bike – repair – at the moment (present progressive)
5. The cows – feed – every morning (present simple)
 6. The novel – write – a hundred years ago (past simple)
7. The food – must put – in the fridge (present simple)
8. A press conference – hold – tomorrow afternoon (future simple)
 9. Our new house – just – finish (present perfect simple)
10.The thief – see – by the policeman (past perfect simple)
11.The story – often tell – by grandmother (present simple)
 12.The package – send – by a good friend (past simple)
13.He – not see – for ages (present perfect simple)
14.My dad – off – a new job – later this week (future simple)
 15.The church – not renovate – for two hundred years (present perfect simple)
16.Breakfast – serve – from 7 to 10 (present simple)

 KEY 1. The window – open (present perfect simple) The window has been opened. 2. Her room – paint (past progressive) Her room was being painted. 3. He – take – to the airport. (present perfect simple) He has been taken to the airport. 4. The bike – repair – at the moment (present progressive) The bike is being repaired at the moment. 5. The cows – feed – every morning (present simple) The cows are fed every morning. 6. The novel – write – a hundred years ago (past simple) The novel was written a hundred years ago. 7. The food – must put – in the fridge (present simple) The food must be put in the fridge. 8. A press conference – hold – tomorrow afternoon (future simple) A press conference will be held tomorrow afternoon. 9. Our new house – just – finish (present perfect simple) Our new house has just been finished. 10.The thief – see – by the policeman (past perfect simple) The thief had been seen by the policeman. 11.The story – often tell – by grandmother (present simple) The story is often told by grandmother. 12.The package – send – by a good friend (past simple) The package was sent by a good friend. 13.He – not see – for ages (present perfect simple) He has not been seen for ages. 14.My dad – off – a new job – later this week (future simple) My dad will be offered a new job later this week. 15.The church – not renovate – for two hundred years (present perfect simple) The church has not been renovated for two hundred years. 16.Breakfast – serve – from 7 to 10 (present simple) Breakfast is served from 7 to 10.


Combine the TWO sentences to ONE, using a relative pronoun.
1. The police arrested the man. He murdered his wife.
2. I can't remember the name of the street. I lost my passport there.
3. Where are the shoes? I bought them yesterday.
4. The book is very interesting. I borrowed it from the library.
5. I'll never forget the day. I got my first bike on that day.
6. This is the man. His dog bit me.
7. The pupils missed the test. They came late.
8. This is my boyfriend. His father works at Macy's.
9. That man is a politician. I forgot his name.
10. I'll show you the church. I got married there.
11. The actor is very famous. I met him a few days ago.
12. I have a new camera. I bought it last week.
13. I passed the entrance test. That is quite difficult to do.
14. My friend invited many people. His house is huge.
15. John belongs to a group of people. They send food packages to Africa.

 KEY 1. The police arrested the man. He murdered his wife. The police arrested the man who murdered his wife. 2. I can't remember the name of the street. I lost my passport there. I can't remember the name of the street where I lost my passport. 3. Where are the shoes? I bought them yesterday. Where are the shoes (that, which) I bought yesterday. 4. The book is very interesting. I borrowed it from the library. The book (that, which) I borrowed from the library is very interesting. 5. I'll never forget the day. I got my first bike on that day. I'll never forget the day (when) I got my first bike. 6. This is the man. His dog bit me. This is the man whose dog bit me. 7. The pupils missed the test. They came late. The pupils who came late missed the test. 8. This is my boyfriend. His father works at Macy's. This is my boyfriend whose father works at Macy's. 9. That man is a politician. I forgot his name. That man, whose name I forgot, is a politician. 10. I'll show you the church. I got married there. I'll show you the church where I got married. 11. The actor is very famous. I met him a few days ago. The actor who (whom) I met a few days ago is very famous. 12. I have a new camera. I bought it last week. I have a new camera which I bought last week. 13. I passed the entrance test. That is quite difficult to do. I passed the entrance test, which is quite difficult to do. 14. My friend invited many people. His house is huge. My friend, whose house is huge, invited many people. 15. John belongs to a group of people. They send food packages to Africa. John belongs to a group of people who send food packages to Africa.

PREPOSITIONS: file:///C:/Users/Juan%20Miguel%20Marin/Desktop/MULTIPLE%20CHOICE/PREPOSITIONS/prep003.pdf

Prepositions PREP003
Complete the sentences with one of the prepositions from the box. AFTER - AT - BETWEEN - BY – FOR – FROM - IN – OF - ON – SINCE – TO - WITH
1. I have to be at home _____________ midnight _____________ the latest.
2. He left a few days ago and we haven’t heard from him _____________ then.
3. The famous poet was born _____________ the 12th of May _____________ 1867.
4. Turn right _____________ the first traffic lights, then turn left.
5. William of Normandy conquered Britain _____________ 1066.
6. They live _____________ the end of the street.
7. Judy has lost weight because she always goes to fitness classes _____________ work.
8. We’ll meet the day _____________ tomorrow.
9. I saw the information _____________ the internet.
10.Please handle these new porcelain plates _____________ care.
11.The dog was run over _____________ a car.
12.The shops are open _____________ 9 to 5 today.
13.The town lies halfway _____________ Rome and Naples.
14.They had to send _____________ the doctor because his condition was getting worse.
15.The young boy was raised _____________ his stepfather.
16.I didn’t feel safe when I was walking home _____________ the disco.
17.The valuable painting dates back _____________ the 12th century.
18.Maria often travels abroad. It’s part _____________ her job.
19.I arranged to meet my friend _____________ the corner of James and Bond Street.
20.The teacher was very pleased _____________ what we had done.
21.Jane had to hurry in order to arrive at the meeting _____________ time.
22.We usually go to school _____________ bus.
23.We moved _____________ the north side of London a few years ago.
24.The village is not _____________ the map. It must be very small.
25.It was a very long voyage. We were _____________ sea for over four weeks.

 KEY 1. I have to be at home by midnight at the latest. 2. He left a few days ago and we haven’t heard from him since then. 3. The famous poet was born on the 12th of May in 1867. 4. Turn right at the first traffic lights, then turn left. 5. William of Normandy conquered Britain in 1066. 6. They live at the end of the street. 7. Judy has lost weight because she always goes to fitness classes after work. 8. We’ll meet the day after tomorrow. 9. I saw the information on the internet. 10.Please handle these new porcelain plates with care. 11.The dog was run over by a car. 12.The shops are open from 9 to 5 today. 13.The town lies halfway between Rome and Naples. 14.They had to send for the doctor because his condition was getting worse. 15.The young boy was raised by his stepfather. 16.I didn’t feel safe when I was walking home from the disco. 17.The valuable painting dates back to the 12th century. 18.Maria often travels abroad. It’s part of her job. 19.I arranged to meet my friend at the corner of James and Bond Street. 20.The teacher was very pleased with what we had done. 21.Jane had to hurry in order to arrive at the meeting in time. 22.We usually go to school by bus. 23.We moved to the north side of London a few years ago. 24.The village is not on the map. It must be very small. 25.It was a very long voyage. We were at sea for over four weeks.




Comparing and Contrasting photos

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